Sleep Rules!
Select a standard wake-up time. Use it every day regardless of the sleep you obtain on any particular night.
Use the bed only for sleeping. Do not read, eat, watch TV, etc. in bed Sexual activity is the only exception.
Get up when you can’t sleep. When you are unable to sleep, get up and go to another room until you feel sleepy enough to fall asleep quickly before returning to bed. Get up again if sleep does not come on quickly (15 minutes wait is max).
Don’t worry, plan, etc., in bed. If such mental activities come on automatically in bed, get up and stay up until you can return to bed without these mental activities interfering with your sleep.
Avoid daytime napping. Napping particularly in the late afternoon or early evening may interfere with your night’s sleep. You need a sleeping drive to fall asleep at night.
Go to bed when you are sleepy, but not before the time suggested. Long periods of time in bed will lead to shallow, fragmented sleep. You should spend only the amount of time in bed that you actually need for sleep. Adherence to the bedtime and wake time suggested for you below should help you overcome your persistent sleep problem.
Remember, it is helpful to keep tract of your standard rising time is and earliest bed time! Some apps would be helpful. If you are an old-school person, feel free to take a physical log on your sleep patterns.
Other helpful practices:
Limit caffeine and alcohol
Avoid steady use of sleeping pills.
Exercise regularly but not close to bedtime (complete your hard exercise 2 to 4 hours before your bed time)
Schedule quiet time before bed: at least 30 minutes winding down time
Keep bedroom quiet, dark and cool.
Try a light bedtime snack before sleeping. A cup of warm milk, some nuts, peanut butter, cottage cheese. The key is high protein and light!
Above all, be patient!
Your sleep problem developed over time so it will take some time to return to more stable sleep pattern. By following the suggestions, you should see gradual sleep improvements.
Good luck, and sleep well~
Citation: Seiko Ryan Yamashita